because we're young, just free your self for whatever you want to be, and hold on the curiousity for leading us to do that! it's kinda enjoying our life, isn't it?
Showing posts from November, 2011
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at last, my blogspot theme just back to the common template which is provided by blogger. ah i think this template too not bad for my site. it's look so sexy i think. simply, quite eye-catching, not luxurious but not too flat. it shows that the owner who belongs to this site only a common person umm maybe which doesn't have any arts for decorate their website also lol. and voila! this is my page, no matter what the reader says i just fixed my background without reason for choosing a color and all gadget inside. let's share, let's be a friend! ini ceritaku, apa ceritamu
New Year!
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even most of people don't know or don't care indeed, but islamic new year properly should celebrated more festive than masehi new year. in fact, islamic new year felt so nothing around me. if i didn't open my timeline and didn't read someone tweet which announcing that today is islamic new year i won't know anything about 1 Muharram itself. ooh how mad, i'm a muslim but i don't know and seems forget about islamic new year, i'm not blame my calendar which doesn't exist a islamic date, i just feel unconfortable when 1 Muharram only do nothing and don't have any self improving. and ouyeeeah, despite of no fireworks, no trumpets, no noises, no dances, there are lots of pray and hope for next step of my life. may Allah keep me in His bless and mercy, keep me surounded by good people, and always remind me in every mistakes i do. keep istiqomah ca, bacaan surat solatnya jangan itu-itu aja oke :) HAPPY ISLAMIC NEW YEAR 1433 H
sofa king week #1
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Jumat, 25 November 2011 5 hari sebelum tanggal itu gue udah dikasih tau sama Bu Fajar (guru biologi SMA) kalau kelas XII adik kelas gue, 69 siswa, bakalan ke kampus gue, tepatnya ke lab.jurusan biologi, katanya mau belajar tes DNA pake elektroforesis. dan ternyata misi lainnya adalah nyuruh gue nyari cathering buat seharian mereka di Bandung, izin ke DKM al-Furqon, dan izin ke K3 UPI. oke gue menyanggupi. gue seneng kalo gue direpotin sebenernya, meskipun gue sendiri pas dikasih tau lagi sibuk-sibuknya rapat dan tugas. but it's called dedication for my almamater, isn't it? untungnya Adhina temen SMA gue yang satu kampus plus satu kosan nawarin bantuan. yep. and we do in pair. hari senin dikasih tau kabar itu, besoknya gue langsung nanya-nanya ke tempat cathering yang biasa di pake panitia di himpunan gue buat pesen nasi kotak tentang kisaran harga dan dllnya buat lapor ke Bu Fajar yang katanya tiap anak jatah makannya 30 ribu, buat 3x makan. tapi jreeeeeeeng malemnya gue dite...
i care about
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it's kinda touching note by Ukh Dinni Nurhayani . as we know, that there is the rule is our religion and of course i'm exactly now that they have their principle too. but should we keep silent when their principle against with Al-Quran and rule of Islam? obviously not! thanks for caring us, thanks for reminding us. we only a human that sometimes do mistake. don't be bored to guard us even we already keep our selves, tadz!
my life soo awesome
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Botani Phanerogamae : Salvia splendens herbarium, Physalis angulata life book, drawing book, praktikum report, Mayor field trip to Garut, field trip report, field trip album photo Botani Cryptogamae : Polypodium herbarium, life book, Mayor Field trip to Garut mayor field trip report. Council and Guidance : presentation, other department friend observation. Civic : Membangun Oposisi resume and other assignment that make my breath so tight NOTED! and all the assignment should be collected when UAS. and fyi i haven't finished most of those task yet. crying? it's not a solution. just do my super best, very best in order my 3rd semester will be happy ending. bless me always ya Allah... and with not an easy additions : LMDF agenda LCMF fixed donation both LMDF and LCMF reminiscence PAB
sosial media
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title of my posting actually was on my mind for al long time since i read one recent issue on Gogirl! magazine (i forgot what edition, February if i not wrong). in that -not a article with fulltext sih just one page which a headline : role of using sosial media twitter lol and i do agree at all. here i share to you what the article said. the article said, even we use the sosial media, twitter, facebook or both as long as we can without any fee it doesn't mean that we could do anything on it! i know that we can post anything without any prohibition, but it's not once or twice i see so many unseeing or unreading post in those sosial media, and certainly it impact to the reader. as you know, yaaah be honest lah, when we read one post like this 'dianterin bubur sama si pacar'. just now you read it and outside is rain. such a jealous, ist'n it? and jealous is a unwell feeling moreover for a single eerrr. other, 'sial udah angkotnya jalanan macet angkot ngetem', a...
males sih bacanya juga, tapi
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oke ini masih edisi curhat. ga berpengaruh sih sama kegalauan saya di semester 3 ini. dengan apapun kondisinya saya coba jalani aja, ini konsekuensi. mau saya jerit-jerit dan gugulingan di jalan juga pasti bakal ngehadapin semester 3. ini sih sebenernya lebih self-thinking aja udah sejauh mana kemajuan diri saya secara sekarang era college life bukan lagi secondary school life. saya sadar dan sangat faham memang masa sekarang pasti beda dengan masa dulu-dulu. kalau dulu saya benar-benar ngerasain gimana perjuangan belajar untuk mengejar cita-cita PTN tapi sekarang setelah di PTN ini saya harus berjuang untuk belajar untuk menjadi apa nanti setelah dari PTN. banyak sebenarnya yang menjadi bahan pikiran saya akhir-akhir, dimana saya baru merasakan berpikir secara filsafat itu toh seperti ini. dan sekarang? saya tetap menjalani apa yang sedang dan akan saya hadapi. saya masih menjadi orang yang getol organisasi. udah sangat terekam dengan jelas di otak saya kata-kata seperti LPJ, proker, ...
asisten praktikum
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sedikit curhat. buat edisi kali ini yuk ah kita ngebahas asisten praktikum. maklum lah gue anak ke lab ing jadi pas kuliah pasti ditemenin dosen dan para asprak (red.asisten praktikum). awalnya gue sempet kagum sama para asprak, gimana nggak mereka rela-relain waktu buat dateng di jam yang sebenernya bisa mereka pakai untuk ngerjain tugas yang lain atau bahkan bisa istirahat dan main. belum lagi tuntutan dari dosen yang mengharuskan mereka (mau ga mau) untuk menguasai materi, harus meriksa laporan praktikum, harus mantau perkembangan kognitif dan psikomotorik kita di lab, terus ngawal pas kuliah lapangan, terus meriksa ujian, dan yang terakhir ngerekap nilai! such a fool things to do actually... berawal dari idealisme gue akan hal itu, gue selalu hormat dan give my four thumbs up buat asprak lah. tapi ternyata makin kesini, gue malah dibikin ilfeel sama asprak. banyak hal yang emang gue rasa ga semua asprak sebagus dan sedewa yang gue bayangin. oke gue bahas satu-satu. untuk asprak sem...