ah ya! i've got so many story to tell you. it's all about my 40-amazing-unforgetable-days while KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata). i so shy to my self, before i said that i hate to go to KKN. but when it arrived in the end, everything changed! i don't wanna leave from my posko, i like share home with them, with our craziness, caring, loving, sharing, cooking, and all togetherness that make me will miss everything someday.

and now i'm already miss them, i miss everything i do there. but i know the time will not back and change. fortunately, i realized it since i'm being there. i still could take picture and video for every moment, i did my heart to heart talk to everyone, i shared my love to them, and even in the last day i wrote a private message to each person which contain what i want to say to them kinda spirit and my impression to them hehe

for every story i had, i'm gonna tell you one by one. but now i'm to busy to finish my KKN report. after i finish it, i'm sure i'll be back to tell you the story ya! love muah muah!


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