a belated post

even no fireworks, no dances, no noises, no claps, no laughs, but deep inside there are much pray. may this year Allah always bless us, keep us surrounded by good people, keep us to be always be a grateful person whatever with our condition, keep us healthy, keep us humble, and the most is wish we always remember that every single breath we take is all from Allah so everything we do is for Allah too.  

as i read in one of tumblr picture, we learn almost everything from the past and i do agree. pain makes me stronger, tears makes me braver, heartbreak makes me wiser. i'm sure, of course, Allah is a director of all, so thank you Allah for the past you've gave me for my better future, i learn from it.

but from now, i understand one of the lesson of life is work for a cause not for applause, live life to express not to impress, don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt, that what we called integrity, isn't it? yeah as my recently motto : always do the right things even no one (human) is watching. hopely, our integrity is using in our daily activity, for Allah, and for others people.



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