Being insane

People said, just forget it, let it go.
For some cases that (actually) deeply broke your heart into pieces.
For everything doesn't matter in the future,
that already goes wrong, please, don't waste your time.
Again to another wise words:
because someday it will all make sense however absurd or painful things are right now.
It's just that simple.

But we, as human.
Just being a human, a vulnerable species.
We cried. Being a miserable.
Forget about those wise words.
However to forget and to let it go,
it's not that easy, right?
So perhaps it's okay, you may cry...
Dwell it.
but again, if it doesn't even make a change,
does it better to just let it go honey?

"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you, 
and perhaps you love a thing and it's bad for you. 
And Allah knows, while you know not." (Q.S 2:216)

To be in the feeling of being rejected, again and again.
The feeling is just the same.
It's so hard to just let it go.
semua udah diatur Allah.
Manusia bisa apa?

Cuma bisa nangis. Seperti aku seharian ini.


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