A Sweet Goodbye?

"Kalau sudah nyaman, kenapa pindah?"
Raditya Dika, Manusia Setengah Salmon

Maybe that piece of Manusia Setengah Salmon dialog is the best part to represent the situation. So through this post i want to say that i'm no longer on this blogspot. By some of consideration, i finally decided to move my site to wordpress. It kinda sad that i couldn't continue my write here which has been with me for 7 years. I still remember it well when the first time i made this account, i named it sepotongcokelat then write some unmature post again and again. Even now, 7 years has passed, my friends still remember the address and this blog become so and sooo meaningful for me. 

You already know how much i love this sepotongcokelat.blogspot.com. When some of my friends move to wordpress (they told me that wordpress is more genuine one) but i stay here. I couldn't make a reason why i should leave my blogspot after hundred posts, hundred lovely comments. I ever exaggerate my write to express my happy feeling to have this site that always be my pain and stress healer sometimes. However, i should move, blogspot is no more being comfortable to write and to read site (for me literally), too much ads and no layout improvement since i used to be a user for the first time. Oh, why blogspot? But i'm gonna make it simple, I'm not moving all the archieves here to the new one. I'll keep everything here as this site should to be.

So since 2 days ago, i already made an wordpress account. I wish it gonna be my last forever and being my all time favourite archieves. For everyone who already know this address, i'm not longer continue my write here. Please visit my official address in wordpress below and enjoy another blogwalking experience.

Thank you so much blogspot for archieving my wonderful journey for these 7 years. 

Best regards,
Caca xoxo


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