#DAY3 A Book You Love

I'm a person who actually loves to read whatever kind of book. Just called it as my hobby. Through my 19 years for knowing the way of reading, i’ve read many books in all genres. But only some of them may gives me such a good impression. So getting me into some screaming “Ini buku bagus banget.” “Lo harus baca.” “Kece sumpah.” after finishing read. Yea some of them, i'd like to tell you.
  1. Harry Potter. For the first time I read a super thick book, 7 series, and being in a rush to finish it as the limit time that my school library gave. What an exciting struggle for only a fiction book! But the one that I agree for more was J.K. Rowling is a super talented writter. She could put the charm in every character she made. How she created the character, place, name, magic, and the story was beyond our imagination, magically makes me so in love. No doubt, she become a million dollar person after she published her books to the world.
  2. Sabtu Bersama Bapak. For you who already in 20 or more, you should definitely read that book. Implicitly, the book is talking about how we manage a good relationship with our family, vertically between child and parent, or horizontally between husband-wife spouse. We could learn how to express our feeling to others, what we suppose to do when we’re in love, how important to have a planning for every step we're gonna take, and important one is knowing that married is not that simple as we think so far. Vividly, the message from the author was quite good which delivered by a good and funny story.
  3. A Simple Life by Desi Anwar. This book was an amazing things. Reading this book just could direct you to feel deeply about life, a little bit of musing, take a breath for awhile, and feel the sense around you passionately. You may really know Desi Anwar as a news anchor and journalist but in this book you would see another side of Desi Anwar perspectives that literally gives you so much inspiration and makes you realize that life is just a simple. The people who made it into a mess and seems overated.
  4. But, Indonesian old novel and short story also have a special space in my mind and my heart as well. I just feel so enjoy to read kind of Tetralogi Buru, Robohnya Surau Kami, Trilogi Ronggeng Dukuh Paruh, Bekisar Merah etc. Indonesian old novel is magicaly a portable era. For me who live in 20s it such gives me a freshness to feel the natural living of Indonesia past centuries, learn the culture and style then. Incridibly awesome. No doubt that Indonesian old novel will always stay in our heart. Forever timeless.
  5. Recently, i run to finish The Dee Lestari's (KBBJ, Akar, Petir, Partikel, and Gelombang (coming soon)). And so far, i'm enjoying it. Being wondering why Dewi Lestari has a kind of superb talent as she write those kind of story which i even couldn't imagine. I believe that the writting skill is not just a gift but it could develop by reading and maybe observing. And in every her books, Dee shows her best to deliver her story. Jjang!


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