Hello Again, May!

Uh been so long time!
Unfortunately, I'm (kinda) forget (or lazy?) to visit and update some feed on my sweety blogspot. Even actually my day lately is not that bussy and stressed out but i was not interested enough to write some of my thoughts here. Dunno why, although the idea come from my mind would burst up if i didn't write it down but i feel strange with my self to see what happened lately. I felt so lazyyyyyyy to write! Then i realize, it can't be like this forever. I know, writting is an essential skill of everyone could have. It comes naturally by doing more practice. And the best way to keep writting is to write everything you do (except the privacy one) in your agenda. You know, my kind of agenda is here, right here in my blogspot. So to keep your writting skill mood, instead of doing nothing and sighing, it better to write here while raising your writting skill.

Yesterday, my friend asked me about my blogspot, "Masih suka nulis blog, Ca?" Then i felt so ashamed. "Hahahaha masih. Tapi last updatenya Februari." And now is May. For me who have passion in writting, been 3 month not to update blogspot is kind of shameless. Yeah i mean, you just need to type some of words and publish it, do it like you always do. Why you so lazy? It just the matter of writting everything you want without any regulation, don't care about grammar, don't care about who read it. The important one you keep your mood to write and spread idea to public. And i know, it was so wrong to take so much care to my love-story -yang-bikin-aku-lebih-milih-kepoin-yet-chatting-dengan-doi and enjoying that silly-zone so much without paying attention to what i really want literally (later i'll write about it ya).

And finally! Within my first post since 3 month ago, i'll continue writiing here. Insya Allah. Stop becoming so drama, Ca. You're just too special in the way taking care of his life. Your life need it more. Wake up and be the realistic one.


  1. Keep writing ca, there are a lot of silent readers out there who still love to read personal post. I hope i can join to the blog site just like the old time, but i'm still looking for appropriate topic to my personal blog.

  2. Hallo Yud! Then i guess you're one of my blog silent reader ya? Hehehe yeah i hope so. Writting makes you stay creative btw, so keep writting too, Yud!


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