it's in the middle of November, almost the end of 2014 and everything used to be recall, ruined in my mind lately. the first line in my 2014 list hasn't checked yet (still in progress) i still do my best for it, don't care about their who have finished, the perfectionist 'dosen', lack of resource, my fuck lazziness, and another obstacles. just hope the defense go so well in December amin. 

been so stressed because of my thesis, i just realized my lately posts was talking about my sighing and my bad life, subhanallah banget ya, seems that i got so many difficulity through this year. indeed, i forgot to be grateful for what i've done before. my family still complete with the healthy and infinite prosperity, my 5 month teaching practice has done succesfully, got many new-fine friends (i called them as my kiddos), alot of bonding with my SMA friends, got my own salary, taking care of my sister in Bandung which i never wanted but actually a must to do and one of happy moment, and also my brother wedding. 

yeah 2014 hasn't finished yet sih. lets do something good and make 2014 as the best year ever. and let this blogspot know it for the next posts. heyaaaaah anyway so sorry for my broken-english-grammar, it just so long time i'm not used english to write in this blogspot :p


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