honestly i don't like for being a nyepet person. 
yaa kalo gak suka bilang aja langsung gitu, apalagi kalo suka yaa. apalagi lately, i'm getting old, more sensitive, all of things mixed in my brain. collide. AH. dan saya hanya bisa nulis disini, ngomongin orang, sepat-sepet sana sini. padahal ya gak ngaruh karena orangnya gak pernah baca tulisan saya.

yeah because i'm only an ordinary human being, often do mistakes, thinking too much to do something good but easier to do a bad thing. that's a common. a human was created to become a learner in this world, weren't it?

hari ini seharusnya pergi ke Sampoerna (tempat futsal untuk dukung pertandingan), however i'm so lazy, not my interesting as well. tapi seperti biasa, orang lain cuma bisa ngomong kalo gak kompak, gak senasib sepenanggungan. see? padahal selama ini kemana orang-orang yang bicara begitu saat ada acara Islamic Fair? udah sewa auditorium LPPM eh yang datang gak lebih dari setengahnya auditorium. sama aja kan karena saya yakin kalian emang gak tertarik untuk datang ke acara begitu.

it's trully when i found out that we need bunch of people support in this life. i do really agree. tell me if you can through this life, be strong, without a single support. impossible. but in the end, i know exactly that the people prioritize their interest first. that's the rules. yaaa one if example is the one i told in previous paragraph. people always think that we should have a same interest with their interest, forcefully should support that, keep on going on that, be together forever on that. but they don't do that in another things that they don't like too. how can they force us to love what they love but they don't try to love what we love?

life is so realistic. so do something in realistic way too. if we want someone respect to us, be respect first to another. like a quote i ever read, if you want people do a good, don't tell them, do it first! yeah i'm a learner of life too, i try to be like that too. in progress.


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