my dearest Intan Aisha

suatu hari, saat masih di tempat KKN, antara bahagia dan terharu dapat short message dari sahabat saya, Intan Aisha. isinya bikin semua orang ngerasa kalau dia gak hidup di dunia ini, bikin semua orang ngeh kalau ada orang lain yang sayang sama diri kita. jadi ceritanya Intan stalking blog saya (berasa bangga blog abal ini dilirik calon dokter nan cantik) dan dia baca beberapa posting lebay. dari mulai postingan dia keterima di FK UGM sampai postingan yang-bikin-dia-rada-kasepet-juga. tapi dia bilang kalau tulisan saya menggugah dan bikin semangat (aaaaakkkk malu sebenernya!) gak ada niatan untuk mengumbar, i write just for fun.

but the one make me shocked is she even comment about my face in several photos, she thought that i keep something behind those face, inside my heart. hahaha dunno! i even can't realize. but she did! she look deeply over me eventhough i'm not. terharu dengan semuanya. meskipun hal kecil yang mungkin menurut orang terkesan lebay tapi luar biasa seneng. meskipun kita udah lama gak ketemu tapi Intan segitu perhatiannya. sampai dia bela-belain ketik sms panjang for some advise that make cheer my self up. senyum-senyum sendirian gak nyangka kalau ada orang di dunia yang seromantis Intan. edaaaan!

i still save her message and maybe i'll not erase it. i'll keep her words which someday when i go down, i'll read it again and realize that life is not about comparing our own with another but how to be grateful!'re gonna be a great woman. and i'm proud of you, we're proud of you, Rosmalinda Nurhubaini.

...but somewhat, i feel like i owe you a spirit and prayers. never found a best friend like you. go ahead and break a leg for your future. Intan loves ya! the end, we survive in our life without they help. they didn't even care with us, even their life is much more messed up than ours. so what i'm trying to say is forget about people who ignored you and try to bring you down. don't worry about your unfriendly neighbourhood. they definitely need us. that's my experience, let me be the one who taste the bittersweet of following and thinking too much about other' opinions. you don't need too. keep your chin up, dear. you're worth to shine. let Allah do the rest!

those words is the best words i ever received. even she sent it via sms but i'm so damn touch by it. so crazily sweet. thank you so much, Tan! you deserve the best one in friendship for everything you've given to your friend, for your sincerity and lovely. keep struggling in your study, all the best for you. catch your dream, i'll see it hehehe Caca loves ya!

a virtual tight hug!
someday we can meet yaaaaaaaa!
*maaf gak attach foto karena unfortunately gak punya foto bareng Intan :'(


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