setiap males, ngerasa capek, lalu ngeluh sama rutinitas mahasiswa sok aktif di himpunan, eksternal kampus, akademik, kayanya harus cepet-cepet baca postingan senior saya ini nih. post singkat sih tapi bener-bener meyakinkan kalau sekarang mumpung masih ada 1 tahun lagi sebagai mahasiswa harus selalu semangat dan menikmati rutinitas yang ternyata setelah diselidiki dan diresapi memang gak pernah monoton, sangat dinamis, seru dan hidup. thank you for Teh Binar yang udah posting ini! tamparan untuk saya yang sering ngeluh supaya sadar dan menikmati perkuliahan sekarang :)
a month remaining to 21
i just realized when i was looking at my calendar, it's 16th now! and this date on the next month is my 21. i just let you know. yah and also just want to remind you all that December almost over, have you streak all your 2012 resolution? me? hmmm just some of them :( tomorrow i'm going to Jakarta for having the Radiobiology field trip, wish a safe trip for us yaa, wish a jolly trip, a wonderful moment me with friends in the end of 2012 :) ah ya and this post is my 300th post. exactly. wow i already write 300 post in this blogspot. how awesome! my blogspot is my best story listener in past, now, and later. love you full. yuk ah take a nap! i have to wake up at 3 am, to get ready to Jakarta. ciao! via : chibird
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