what a great day!

today was a great day for me, haha even i feel so tired enough but i feel satisfied also. you know, i have finished my kapita selekta task only a night with my team, Nella, Yuda, Lusiana, Anggi, and Hilman. what a cool? but actually we postponed the task which has told by Mrs.Widi since 1 week ago but we do another task and forgetting about kapita selekta. so in a night we have to finish, lesson plan, scenario, 2 rubric, and concept map and all should be type with English. at time, we do all in Hilman's room. i already want to cry, i don't have much energy and spirit to do all of task only for a night, but my cool team was my spirit-booster. they did the task seriously and helping another too. so touchy!

i don't know, this is kind of rasis or what but i really really so proud of my international class. they shown me how capable they are, without any sighing and without any force to each other in order to be the best one, the best group. at that time, we all felt so tired after finishing our Microbiology presentation, and we only have less that 12 hours to finish our task but surely we did it with our sincerity.

and a day comes up. the day that we present our work, we simulate our teaching learning scenario, and we execute our lesson plan. alhamdulillaaaaah success! we received so much claps from the class and also from Mrs.Widi. she told us that what an interesting learning that we made! creative learning and so interactive! aaaah we love you Mrs.Widi! although with a leak of preparation, less of sleep, and minim english vocab, but we did our best.

i proud of my self, and this kapita selekta 1 gonna be my motivator to always raise my english skill, motivate me to be a creative teacher, motivate me to always learn about my special knowlegde, never ending to get many external information, and have a blast in every activity that i run for it. so what a great day! i got so many inspiration for today. so thank you for my 'cinta satu malam kapsel' team. kalian yang terbaik! let's be a great and cool international teacher, okay!


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