Start Blogging

ternyata nulis kejadian sehari-hari, even the misfortune one, bisa jadi terapi untuk nyembuhin sedikit rasa trauma dan stress yang lagi kita hadapi. sharing kejadian atau pengetahuan yang kita punya secara online juga terbukti bisa membantu kita buat lebih gampang berkomunikasi dan terbuka sama orang lain terutama sama teman sebaya.

Personality, Gogirl! magazine 86/Mar 2012 page 48

i'm truly agreed with this short argument. for being a confident person this step may be can followed. start blogging. and i felt the same. fyi 4 years ago i have been writing on this blog. and firstly i use this only for sharing anything that happened in my daily activity which is only several people who know it. but now, i use this to make my self-esteem booster up everyday. no matter how silly and nerd my writting. the important one, i can be confident with my own way to share my mind and give an inspiration maybe.


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