1 month

heloo. my first posting since i came back to Bandung. huaaaaa back to the activity while almost my friend still swing swing jolly in their hometown. okey, and i decided to take SP for this year. so i just spent my holiday at home just 2 weeks, then go back to my rent house. my consederation for taking SP is just common answer. i don't want to do my long long holiday. even at home but i think i doesn't give me the good feedback. imagine! i'll spend my holiday more than 2 month. omigat what the cute? and at home? nothing to do. it just give the rest for my brain which actually not for months are enough. then i just want to cut down SKS as soon as possible so insya Allah i could face my skripsi quickly aaamin and reducing the load of SKS on next semester.

it is not my fault for taking SP. i enjoy. eventough this only going on 1 month which actually not enough for learn all the materials. i just want my holiday efficiently managed. that's!

for this SP i took 4 SKS. 2 SKS for cell biology and 2 SKS more for science learning for basic education -pembelajaran sains untuk pendidikan dasar we called. yeaaaah whatever i choose, the important one i could do my best. i already take this so i should be responsible.

as well as i can as long as i'm here deh :)


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