my first field trip

fyi this week may gonna be my very busy and tired week blaaaah. imagine, i will have 2 trip which those all not a short trip. oke we can call it as Field trip and it's kinda a obligation for student of biology departement for having some field trip. of course it's not same with study tour which has even only a limit time for having a lill bit jollying. we only go there for studying! only studying! and after that a bunch of assigment and task is waiting to do. start from photos album, a report, and a short presentation. aaaaaah sigh!

and this week is begin.
on wednesday, i am going to Bogor Botanical Ganden and Nusantara Flower Park for Botani Phanerogame subject. and on friday till sunday, i am going to Sayang Heulang Beach, Pameungpeuk, Garut, West Java for Botani Cryptogamae subject. i'm sure that these will be a hard-working days for completing all necessity from my lecture in those 3 places. besides, we don't know how weather there, how we manage our each time to have less than 3 hours to do observation and taking a good picture to kept in our field trip report after, how we keep our peer group in savety beside we concent with our task group, and how well we manage our self for saving in unwishing incident. feel that i'm so serious for prepare anything but there's a space also for any worried of it because actually everyone don't want if their first field trip be a bad ending (naudzubillah)

and one by one of field trip will follow as i go forward to higher semester. have you get ready for it?

doakan ya semoga perjalanan ini lancar dan Allah always keep us because i'm sure that Allah doesn't sleep :)


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