and January!

January is a really really complicated month! and i felt the same in every year.

January 2012 we can said, i officially being 20. heyaa 20th! left an adolesence and facing a maturity. i call age 20 or up is one of time for begining a maturity in life! i realize that being 20 is not only an age or a number but it's mean a lot. that is mean only 3 year left i'll be a wife for someone special (lol), graduate from my bachelor degree, try to grab some good job and do it sincerely.

this age also teach me not to do some childish anymore. i'm 20 now so it's a must to be a better person, more patient for facing all troubles, more sincere to do anything, be a low profile for everyone, and have to positive thinking for everything that happened.

complicated? it looks so amazing i can arrive in age 20 but it was so sad actually when i realize that i'm not a teenager again! my life now not only for enjoying life but it should run with a huge responsibility for my future later. not easy for being a mature person, but it's not hard to try actually if we sure that we can change and optimist we can be a better person. as my short message which i received from my brother when day 16th..

"selamat ulang tahun ya caa...semoga ilmunya berkah, cepet beres kuliahnya, dan satu lagi harus tegar jangan semuanya teh dibawa nangis hahaha"

jleb. speechless. i just say amin after reading those words. see, it just one of many message that i received from my lovely family and some my best friend. and all sent good wishing from me. alhamdulillah, praise God. thank to You for giving all easyness and love in whole life.
have a nice 20th :)


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