It's never been easy in the past year. The days are long. But then, today I feel like a year was so short! You turning a year old is bittersweet. That sleepy little baby I had is long gone, replaced by the cutest, funniest little girl I know. I miss the little baby you once were, but I adore the wonderful little girl you are becoming now. Seeing you continuously growing, your milestones, it amazed me and I'm so thankful. I know we're all still works in progress, but when you've come so far—and grown so much—this year, and well I think that is incredible, and so worth struggling. Soon you will be two, then three, and five and 10. And then, you'll be a teenager and an adult. Let us just keep growing together. Much as I want to hit pause and adore your smile, I am also eager to see the strong, wonderful, kind and loving human you will grow up to be. And to help you be all those things I promise that I'll help you, teach you and set you free to be you. Happy birt...